Today we have a manicure that combines two ways of decorating nails. The printing and stickers to water.
Para hacer esta manicura pintamos las uñas de un color rosa. Hacemos un estampado en todas menos en el dedo anular. He usado la placa de estampado número M-54, un dibujo de una flor que hice en dos colores, verde y rojo.
To make this manicure nails painted pink. We print in all but the ring finger. I used the plate number stamped M-54, a drawing of a flower I made in two colors, green and red.
Para utilizarlas solo tenemos que cortarla con la forma de nuestra uña, mojar el papel de atrás y colocar. Si sobra un poco pasamos una lima de uñas y completamos con un esmalte de brillo top coat.
On the ring finger I use some stickers to water. Thus we break the monotony of color.
To use them we just need to cut to the shape of our nail, wet the paper backing and place. If we have a little nail file and complete with an enamel gloss top coat.
Esta es la pegatina al agua que compré en la tienda online de Born Pretty Store:
This is the water sticker I bought in the online store of Born Pretty Store:
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