There polish colors that give us many ideas to make beautiful manicure with them. Colors like this nail polish, a violet blue reflections and very bright, named Distinguished, Litmus collection of Masglo. It is spectacular.
He creado dos manicuras con él. En uno de los diseños comencé cubriendo las uñas con el color Distinguida, la mitad de la uña la pinté de color blanco puro. Y en la linea entre los dos colores puse tachuelas de colores fluor.
I've created two manicures with him. In one of the designs I started covering the nails with the Distinguished color, half the fingernail painted pure white. And the line between the two colors put tacks fluorine colors.
Una capa de esmalte top coat y queda una manicura de colores vivos fantástica.
A top coat layer of enamel, leaving a fantastic colorful manicure.
En la siguiente manicura con el mismo color de referencia, Distinguida, hice una manicura francesa a color, con una decoración floral.
In the next manicure with the same color reference, Distinguished, did a French manicure color, with a floral decoration.
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